Detroit Riverfront
The East Riverfront is ready and positioned to become a free and open waterfront for all.
The East Riverfront presents an opportunity to foster the next generation of high-quality Detroit neighborhoods with housing opportunities for every income level and stage of life. Linked by a completed international riverfront and a transformed Jefferson Avenue, a diverse collection of convenient, safe, and walkable neighborhoods can quickly take root in a restored natural landscape and park system. While new development is essential for the East Riverfront, the preservation of its historic assets, local character, and existing community, are equally important in ensuring a successful and inclusive future. Respecting the inherent values of its heritage helps to target public investment and to catalyze responsible, private development that advances a comprehensive vision worthy of this one-of-a-kind waterfront.
Bringing the riverfront back to life by leveraging the ecological, social, and historic assets of the site will create a new and authentic Detroit district.