Urban Design
Over 700 people were involved in three neighborhood workshops, including one public engagement session during Detroit's Open Streets.
Corktown Economic Development Corporation, Human Scale Studio, Mexicantown community and business leaders, and Assembly Design Studio teamed up to create a vision for Roosevelt Park from the viewpoint of the communities-at-large.The team first met in July where Assembly facilitated a workshop to gain further insight in how the surrounding communities live, what concerns they may have, and how they envision the future space. The community expressed the need to sustain and improve the connection between Mexicantown and Corktown, to preserve the iconic and historical importance of Michigan Central Station, and to create a vibrant, active space for communities. Based on the community’s concerns and comments, Assembly developed three plan views and presented them at a community workshop during Open Streets Detroit.
The peaks and valleys of the subtle terrain are activated with various uses. Differing vantage points allows users to view the skyline as well as reflect upon the park itself.